Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


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Presidents of Kazakhstan and Germany hold tet-a-tet talks

28 Haziran 2023 |
Presidents of Kazakhstan and Germany hold tet-a-tet talks



Presidents of Kazakhstan and Germany hold tet-a-tet talks





At the Akorda residence, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held negotiations with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany, who arrived in Kazakhstan on a state visit.






Prior the negotiations, there was an official welcoming ceremony in honor of German Federal President. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Frank-Walter Steinmeier introduced each other members of the official delegations. Chief of the Guard of Honor gave a welcoming report to the leaders, then the national anthems of Kazakhstan and Germany were performed. Then, at the Eastern Hall the two Presidents held a tet-a-tet meeting.




President Tokayev and President Steinmeier discussed the state and prospects of Kazakh-German strategic partnership. Special focus was given on enhancing political dialogue, deepening of cooperation in trade and economic, investment, energy, transport and logistics areas.





The two leaders stressed the importance of boosting cooperation within the Middle Corridor and expanding mutually beneficial interaction in oil and gas, green energy and industry.





Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Frank-Walter Steinmeier exchanged views on pressing issues of the international and regional agenda.





The talks held in a friendly manner and were constructive and substantive. President Tokayev and President Steinmeier have reached agreement to strengthen cooperation in a number of areas of bilateral economic agenda.






Following the talks, the two Presidents continued negotiations with the presence of the delegations of the two countries.







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