Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


22:40 - İçişleri Bakanlığı’nda Devlet Bakanı ile görüşme

22:40 - Meeting with the Minister of State at the Home Office

22:39 - В Амурской области при поддержке «Единой России» стартовал проект «Педагог с нашего двора»

22:39 - Bryansk’ta “Kentsel Çevre” parti projesinin desteğiyle Bryansk Cephesi askerlerine adanan askeri anıt güncellendi

22:10 - Halkın “Birleşik Rusya” programına ve ulusal “Demografi” projesine göre Primorsky Bölgesi Luchegorsk’ta modern bir kürek üssü inşa edildi

22:09 - Amur bölgesinde Birleşik Rusya’nın desteğiyle “Arka Bahçemizden Öğretmen” projesi başlatıldı

22:09 - В Брянске при поддержке партпроекта «Городская среда» обновили воинский мемориал, посвящённый воинам Брянского фронта

15:17 - Современную гребную базу построили в Лучегорске Приморского края по народной программе «Единой России» и нацпроекту «Демография»

13:45 - В Мурманской области «Единая Россия» организовала для школьников поездку к мемориалу «Долина Славы»

13:45 - Murmansk bölgesinde Birleşik Rusya, okul çocukları için Zafer Vadisi anıtına bir gezi düzenledi

Deputy Foreign Minister received the copies of Credentials of the Ambassador of Cyprus Deputy Foreign Minister received the copies of Credentials of the Ambassador of Cyprus

    Deputy Foreign Minister received the copies of Credentials of the Ambassador of Cyprus https://t.co/hoJMMd9BIv pic.twitter.com/kwJsnqZegy — MFA Ta...

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Muzaffar Huseinzoda received the copies of Credentials of the Ambassador of the Portuguese Republic Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Muzaffar Huseinzoda received the copies of Credentials of the Ambassador of the Portuguese Republic

  Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Muzaffar Huseinzoda received the copies of Credentials of the Ambassador of the...

Presenting copy of Credentials by the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda Presenting copy of Credentials by the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda

    Presenting copy of Credentials by the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda https://t.co/NJefAevJ76 pic.twitter.com/FCzdLJUGi7 — MFA Tajikistan (@M...

Meeting with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait Meeting with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait

    Meeting with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait https://t.co/yYQxc2mdWD pic.twitter.com/NJJsnIHTdD — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) M...

The Tajik-Hungarian Business Forum The Tajik-Hungarian Business Forum

    The Tajik-Hungarian Business Forum https://t.co/1ueVur9gyj pic.twitter.com/N1W3N3EfmB — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) March 3, 2023     The Ta...

Meeting with the Deputy Minister of Economy of Slovakia Meeting with the Deputy Minister of Economy of Slovakia

    Meeting with the Deputy Minister of Economy of Slovakia https://t.co/EdInNi7fdE pic.twitter.com/0iHJiY5kHN — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) Mar...

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs participates and delivers a statement in the High-Level Segment of the 52nd session of Human Rights Council Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs participates and delivers a statement in the High-Level Segment of the 52nd session of Human Rights Council

  Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs participates and delivers a statement in the High-Level Segment of the 52nd session of Human Rights Council https...

The meeting of the Deputy Minister with the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia The meeting of the Deputy Minister with the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia

  The meeting of the Deputy Minister with the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia https://t.co/5gJjaMk0Ka pic.twitter.co...

Meeting of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with Deputy Administrator of USAID Meeting of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with Deputy Administrator of USAID

    Meeting of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with Deputy Administrator of USAID |https://t.co/zw3aXjrJBY pic.twitter.com/3McgyTO5lV — MFA Tajikis...

Meeting of the Deputy Minister with the Ambassador of United Kingdom Meeting of the Deputy Minister with the Ambassador of United Kingdom

  On February 15, 2023, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Sharaf Sheralizoda received the Ambassador of the United King...