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Delivery of the Address by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon “On Major Dimensions of Tajikistan’s Domestic and Foreign Policy”.
Delivery of the Address by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon “On Major Dimensions of Tajikistan’s Domestic and Foreign Policy”
Dushanbe city
On December 28, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, His Excellency Mr. Emomali Rahmon, delivered his Address “On Major Dimensions of Tajikistan’s Domestic and Foreign Policy” to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan in the hall of the Parliament of Tajikistan, at a joint session of the Majlisi milli and Majlisi namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The hall was attended by the presidiums of both chambers of the Parliament, members of the Majlisi milli and deputies of the Majlisi namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Prime Minister and members of the Government of the country, the Head of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the leadership of ministries and state committees, agencies under the President and the Government, central judicial bodies and other law enforcement agencies, the National Academy of Sciences, higher educational institutions, heads of centers for the implementation of investment projects, a group of deputies of the XVI Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan, members of the Public Council, the Movement for National Unity and Revival of Tajikistan, deputies of a number of political, public and creative associations, the leadership of republican enterprises and institutions, banks, active businessmen and entrepreneurs and enterprising youth, representatives of the diplomatic corps and the mass media.
In his Address to the Majlisi Oli, which was delivered for the first time in the new and magnificent building of the country’s Parliament, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, set specific tasks for the effective implementation of domestic and foreign policies and ensuring the progress of various sectors, including industry, energy, agriculture, roads and transport, investment and entrepreneurship development, education, science and culture, healthcare and social protection, labor and employment, youth and sports and tourism, taxes and customs, security and defense, law and order, and the development of friendly relations and cooperation with foreign countries and international and regional organizations.
The Head of State, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, analyzed the development and progress of the economy and industry, energy, roads and transport, security and defense, law and order, healthcare, culture, science and education, social protection of the population, youth, sports and tourism, and considered it necessary that in today’s conditions of the global community, national security and sustainable economic development should be steadily ensured, and the level and quality of life of the people should be further improved.
The Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, stated that over 197 billion somoni have been allocated from the state budget and domestic and foreign capital for the socio-economic development of the country and the implementation of priority state investment projects, as well as the implementation of national, sectoral and local plans and programs in the past five years.
The Head of State emphasized that over 20 billion somoni have been spent on the implementation of the plan of public works to celebrate the 35th anniversary of State Independence by entrepreneurs, generous individuals and honorable residents of the country in the past three years. The work carried out in this direction has contributed to ensuring the expected indicators of socio-economic development and the progress and development of the country’s cities and villages.
Recalling the worthy initiatives of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in improving the living standards of all segments of society, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, noted that in the past five years, the official salaries of employees of budgetary sectors have been increased four times – in 2020, 2022, 2023 and 2024, by a total of 100 percent.
In order to ensure the timely and high-quality implementation of the adopted programs and plans and, in this context, to develop the country’s economy in 2025, ministries, agencies and local executive bodies of state power received specific instructions from the Head of State.
In particular, it was instructed to develop a draft “Medium-Term Development Program for 2026-2030” by the end of 2025 and submit it to the Government of the country.
In order to expand innovation processes and comprehensively use the opportunities of digital technologies in the economy, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, proposed declaring 2025-2030 the “Years of Development of the Digital Economy and Innovation”.
In this regard, the Leader of the Nation proposed to establish a “University of Innovation and Digital Technologies” on the basis of the Institute of Technology and Innovation Management in the city of Kulob.
In order to further support the development of entrepreneurship, the President of the country, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, considered it necessary to further limit the number of inspections and their frequency in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Inspection of the Activities of Economic Entities” by improving the current standards for risk assessment.
Analyzing the situation in the industrial sector, the Head of State noted that within the framework of the strategic goal of rapid industrialization of the country, the volume of total industrial output has increased from 27 billion to 53 billion somoni in the past five years, which is almost twice as much. During this period, more than 2,040 industrial enterprises and 74,000 jobs were created in the country.
The relevant ministries and agencies were obliged to take additional measures to create favorable conditions for the development of industrial production.
In order to achieve energy independence and, in this context, ensure sustainable development of the national economy by using all existing opportunities and sources, in particular, sources of “green energy” development, the Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, instructed to develop and submit a draft “Program for the Development of the Electric Power Sector” and the necessary regulatory legal acts in the sector, including the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Energy” in a new edition, by 2025.
The Head of State, Emomali Rahmon, analyzed the situation in the road and transport sector and considered transforming Tajikistan into a transit country and using its transit opportunities as one of the main goals of the country’s development.
It was emphasized that, with the modernization and reconstruction of highways over the past five years, according to the World Economic Forum, Tajikistan’s position in the global ranking of road quality indicators among 165 countries included in the study has risen from 50th to 44th, 6 positions higher compared to previous years.
At the same time, the relevant ministries and agencies were instructed to take the necessary measures for the high-quality and timely implementation of investment projects in compliance with modern standards, the construction and reconstruction of roads of international importance, the proper maintenance and use of roads, the formation of transit transport corridors and their infrastructure.
Given the current world situation, climate change, in particular, water shortages and droughts in many countries of the world, the rise in food prices in the world and the adverse impact of the aforementioned factors on the consumer market, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, instructed ministries and state agencies to mobilize all opportunities for the development of the agricultural sector.
During the analysis and review of the social protection sector, the President of the country emphasized that in 2024, the total amount of social sector expenditures was increased to 19 billion somoni, which is by 2 billion somoni more than the budget for 2023, and constitutes 43 percent of the total amount of state budget expenditures.
It was noted that in this regard, the Government of the country is constantly implementing necessary measures to create new jobs, increase wages, pensions and scholarships, as well as increase the population’s income.
In order to further improve the well-being of the country’s people and strengthen social protection of the population, the Head of State Honorable Emomali Rahmon instructed the Government of the country to increase the official salaries of employees of preschool and secondary education institutions by 30%, the official salaries of employees of other educational institutions, science, culture, sports, healthcare, social protection institutions, state authorities and administration and other budgetary institutions, as well as scholarships by 20%, the current salaries of law enforcement officers, military personnel and other employees of these bodies by 20%, and to set the minimum wage for all economic and social sectors at 1,000 somoni per month.
At the same time, it was instructed to increase insurance, labor and social pensions, as well as supplements to them, in accordance with the provisions of Article 51 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Insurance and State Pensions” and the basic pension amount by 10%, that is, index them.
The Government of the country, heads of ministries, agencies and relevant structures in the field of education received instructions from the Head of State to ensure the stable and sustainable development of higher professional education institutions in the coming years.
The Head of State considered it necessary to revise the “State Program for Training High-Level Scientific Personnel for 2021-2030” within two months and submit it to the Government of the country.
Regarding the development of the cultural sector, the Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, stated that if in 2000 only 13 million somoni were allocated from the state budget for the sphere of culture and sports, then in 2024 this figure amounted to 1 billion 716 million somoni.
It was noted that over the 33 years of state independence, 18 theaters, 50 palaces of culture, 14 art schools, 126 libraries, 61 parks of culture and recreation and 20 museums have been built in the country, all of which are serving the people of Tajikistan today.
The heads of cities and districts were instructed to build and commission a music school for young talents in the center of each city and district of the country.
The Head of State recalled Tajikistan’s cooperation with UNESCO and instructed the relevant ministries and agencies to prepare and submit to UNESCO the necessary materials for the celebration of the 2550th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights of Cyrus the Great.
According to the Head of State, 4.3 billion somoni are allocated from the state budget for the healthcare sector in 2025, which is by 840 million somoni more than in 2024.
The leadership of relevant ministries and agencies, regions, cities and districts was instructed to take the necessary measures to correct existing shortcomings, ensure the harmonious development of the sector and train highly qualified personnel, and ensure high-quality medical services and the effective operation of institutions in this sector.
The Leader of the Nation considered ensuring the productive employment for the population to be one of the strategic goals of the state.
It was emphasized that during the period of independence, more than 4.1 million jobs have been created and restored in various sectors of the country’s economy.
The Government of the country, heads of ministries and agencies, regions, cities and districts were instructed to mobilize all opportunities to create more than 1,4 million new jobs in all sectors of the national economy in the next five years.
The Head of State called the country’s youth the most active segment of society and the continuation of the work of the older generation, stating that patriotic youth will continue to make a valuable contribution to the development of science and innovation and further strengthen the prestige of our country in the international arena with their modern science and knowledge, modern professions and crafts, and innovative efforts.
The Head of State assessed the status and dignity of women and girls and their role in building a modern state and developing society in the era of independence as significant, emphasizing that they will continue to make a valuable contribution to implementing the requirements and provisions of national laws, preventing the honoring of alien cultures, including clothing and rituals alien to our people, raising healthy generations, strengthening peace and stability in society, the progress of the state and the prosperity of the Motherland.
The President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, noted that the term of office of the Majlisi milli and the Majlisi namoyandagon Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan (sixth convocation) is coming to an end.
Accordingly, the Leader of the Nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, expressed his gratitude to the members of the Majlisi milli and deputies of the Majlisi namoyandagon for their fruitful work.
The Head of State emphasized that the sustainable economic and social development of the country, political stability, and peace and tranquility of the people of Tajikistan depend on ensuring national security.
Therefore, it was stated that the issues of training specialists who meet the requirements of modern conditions for law enforcement agencies and military structures, increasing their professionalism and skills, as well as strengthening the material and technical base of military units and law enforcement agencies will continue to be given priority attention.
Analyzing the foreign policy of Tajikistan, the President of the country, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, stated that – “Tajikistan, based on the “open doors” foreign policy and the experience of more than three decades of cooperation with countries around the world, expresses its readiness to continue strengthening multifaceted relations with them both at the bilateral and multilateral levels.”
It was also emphasized that Tajikistan is expanding constructive and prospective cooperation within international and regional organizations, including the United Nations, international financial institutions, and development partners.
In the end of his speech, the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, stated that we must strive every day and always for the progress of our independent state, the prosperity of our ancestral homeland, and the continuous improvement of the standard of living and quality of life of every family of the honorable people of Tajikistan.