Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


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15:17 - Современную гребную базу построили в Лучегорске Приморского края по народной программе «Единой России» и нацпроекту «Демография»

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An awareness campaigns regarding Armenian mine terror were organized in London and Manchester

26 Eylül 2023 |
An awareness campaigns regarding Armenian mine terror were organized in London and Manchester





An awareness campaigns regarding Armenian mine terror were organized in London and Manchester

, 2023




An awareness campaigns regarding Armenian mine terror were organized in London and Manchester
Awareness campaigns reflecting the tragic consequences of the mines massively buried in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan during the years of occupation by the Armenian armed forces were run in the cities of London and Manchester.




During the awareness campaigns organized by the British Azerbaijan Society, trucks with LED screens displaying various slogans, hashtags and information moved through the crowded central streets of London and Manchester. During the eight hours campaign, the car attracted the attention of local residents by passing through London’s Oxford Street, Regent Street, Picadilly, Westminster Bridge, Parliament Square and Manchester’s Picadilly Gardens, King Street, New Cathedral Street, Cheetham Hill Road and Canal Street.





It was underlined that, 1.5 million landmines were buried in Azerbaijan during the years of occupation by the armed forces of Armenia, 147,988 hectares are still classed as highly contaminated areas, while 675,570 hectares are considered medium and low threat areas. It was also mentioned that 3393 people, including children have become landmine victims since 1991, while the number of landmine victims between the dates November 10, 2020 and September 19, 2023. reached 314 people. The facts regarding the death of 67 people as a result of landmine explosions, hashtags such as #stoparmeniancrimes, #MapsForKarabakhSafety, #KarabakhSafety were reflected on the slogans.










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