Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


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The Ambassador of Tajikistan visited the federal state of Saarland

12 Şubat 2023 |
The Ambassador of Tajikistan visited the federal state of Saarland




The Ambassador of Tajikistan visited the federal state of Saarland



On February 8, 2023, during the working visit to the federal state of Saarland, Imomudin Sattorov, Ambassador of Tajikistan to Germany, met with Mrs. Anke Rehlinger, Prime Minister of this state.

The parties exchanged views on topical issues related to the economy, industry, investment, climate, renewable energy, culture and education.

As part of the trip, the Ambassador of Tajikistan also visited the Saarland University (Universität des Saarlandes), which is situated in Saarbrucken, the capital of the Saarland. During the conversation with the leadership of the Saarland University, strengthening inter-university ties with our country and the possibility of studying of Tajik citizens at this university were discussed.

The Tajik diplomat also got acquainted with the activities of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (Deutsche Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz).

In this connection the attention of the German side was drawn to the adoption of the “Strategy for the development of artificial intelligence in the Republic of Tajikistan until 2040”, as well as on the activities of the centers for developing programs and works in the field of artificial intelligence.

During the meeting, a wide range of issues of bilateral relations and further strengthening of cooperation in the fields of economy and investment were discussed.


