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Press Release Regarding the International Holocaust Remembrance Day

28 Ocak 2023 |
Press Release Regarding the International Holocaust Remembrance Day



No: 29, 27 January 2023, Press Release Regarding the International Holocaust Remembrance Day



In accordance with the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005, today, on the occasion of the “International Holocaust Remembrance Day” we commemorate with respect millions of Jews, Roma people, disabled persons as well as all targeted groups, who were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

Türkiye, which embraced many Jews fleeing the Nazi atrocities during the Second World War, continues to be a safe haven for millions of people who have been persecuted in different parts of the world today. We also take this occasion to honor the memories of the Turkish diplomats who saved the Jews from being sent to concentration camps.

Türkiye continues to emphasize the importance of taking necessary measures to prevent the increasing danger of racism, xenophobia, anti-Islam and anti-Semitism. With this understanding, we actively take part in and contribute to the work of international organizations in this field, particularly the “International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance”.

In this framework, the International Institute for Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity at İstanbul University hosted this year’s commemoration ceremony on January 27, 2023.

Türkiye will continue to maintain its uncompromising stance against anti-Semitism, xenophobia, racism, anti-Islam and all forms of intolerance, and is determined to contribute to international cooperation in the fight against hate-based speech and crimes.

