22:18 - «Единая Россия» вручила ветеранам Уфы юбилейные медали к 80-летию Великой Победы
18:16 - В Высокогорском районе Татарстана единороссы провели субботник у памятника защитникам Отечества
14:13 - Finlandiya Meteoroloji Enstitüsü Genel Müdürü ile görüşme
12:37 - Александр Козлов: Партпроект «Школа ЖКХ» расширит сотрудничество с ВАРМСУ в сфере ЖКХ
10:11 - Vladimir Yakushev: Birleşik Rusya ve VARMSU bir işbirliği anlaşması imzaladı
07:46 - Meeting with the Director General of the Finnish Meteorological Institute
06:09 - Владимир Якушев: «Единая Россия» и ВАРМСУ подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве
Meeting of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea.
Meeting of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea
On November 13, 2024, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan Mr. Sodiq Imomi met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Mr. Jeon Sung Sik.
The sides discussed the current state and further development of bilateral relations, as well as implementation of perspective socio-economic projects.
During the meeting exchange of views held on perspective spheres of collaboration in the framework of “Central Asia-Republic of Korea” Cooperation Forum.
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South Korea