Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


ICHCAP Genel Direktörü ile Toplantı ICHCAP Genel Direktörü ile Toplantı

  Meeting with the ICHCAP Director Generalhttps://t.co/kX0hMZWwH3 pic.twitter.com/mjeayjd15o — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) November 29, 2023    ...

Meeting with the ICHCAP Director General Meeting with the ICHCAP Director General

  Meeting with the ICHCAP Director Generalhttps://t.co/kX0hMZWwH3 pic.twitter.com/mjeayjd15o — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) November 29, 2023    ...

Kore Eximbank Başkan Yardımcısı/Kore Ekonomik Kalkınma ve İşbirliği Fonu Operasyon Grubu Başkanı ile Toplantı Kore Eximbank Başkan Yardımcısı/Kore Ekonomik Kalkınma ve İşbirliği Fonu Operasyon Grubu Başkanı ile Toplantı

  Meeting with the Vice President of the Korea Eximbank/Head of Operation Group of Korea Economic Development and Cooperation Fundhttps://t.co/9ZbEWTh...

Meeting with the Vice President of the Korea Eximbank/Head of Operation Group of Korea Economic Development and Cooperation Fund Meeting with the Vice President of the Korea Eximbank/Head of Operation Group of Korea Economic Development and Cooperation Fund

    Meeting with the Vice President of the Korea Eximbank/Head of Operation Group of Korea Economic Development and Cooperation Fundhttps://t.co/9ZbEW...

Presentation of copies of the Credentials Presentation of copies of the Credentials

Presentation of copies of the Credentials     Presentation of copies of the Credentialshttps://t.co/hO0ecrQVYM pic.twitter.com/gJVjiugSxm — MFA Tajiki...