Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


22:10 - Halkın “Birleşik Rusya” programına ve ulusal “Demografi” projesine göre Primorsky Bölgesi Luchegorsk’ta modern bir kürek üssü inşa edildi

22:09 - Amur bölgesinde Birleşik Rusya’nın desteğiyle “Arka Bahçemizden Öğretmen” projesi başlatıldı

22:09 - В Брянске при поддержке партпроекта «Городская среда» обновили воинский мемориал, посвящённый воинам Брянского фронта

15:17 - Современную гребную базу построили в Лучегорске Приморского края по народной программе «Единой России» и нацпроекту «Демография»

13:45 - В Мурманской области «Единая Россия» организовала для школьников поездку к мемориалу «Долина Славы»

13:45 - Murmansk bölgesinde Birleşik Rusya, okul çocukları için Zafer Vadisi anıtına bir gezi düzenledi

13:45 - «Единая Россия» проводит в Воронежской области акцию «Везу детей безопасно»

13:45 - “Birleşik Rusya” Voronej bölgesinde “Çocukları Güvenle Almak” kampanyasını yürütüyor

11:35 - “Birleşik Rusya” Voronej bölgesinde “Çocukları Güvenle Almak” kampanyasını yürütüyor

10:55 - «Единая Россия» проводит в Воронежской области акцию «Везу детей безопасно»

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 32nd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 32nd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide

  No:070/24, Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 32nd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide 26 February 2024  ...

Press Release Regarding Israel’s Attack on the Gaza Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital Press Release Regarding Israel’s Attack on the Gaza Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital

  Press Release Regarding Israel’s Attack on the Gaza Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital https://t.co/aVlSoNoIye pic.twitter.com/BVpRpzqkCn — Tur...

Press release on the meeting between Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov and the heads of diplomatic missions of the European countries accredited in Azerbaijan Press release on the meeting between Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov and the heads of diplomatic missions of the European countries accredited in Azerbaijan

      Nazir Ceyhun Bayramovun Avropa ölkələrinin diplomatik nümayəndəliklərinin rəhbərləri ilə görüşünə dair➡️ https://t.co/FdaRhT0OSJ–On the meeting ...

Press Release Regarding the Recommendation and Resolution Adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Türkiye Press Release Regarding the Recommendation and Resolution Adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Türkiye

    Press Release Regarding the Recommendation and Resolution Adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Türkiye https://t.co/0...

Press Release Regarding the Assault on the Participants of the Turkish Public Diplomacy Conference Held at the University of Southern California, by Radical Armenian Groups Press Release Regarding the Assault on the Participants of the Turkish Public Diplomacy Conference Held at the University of Southern California, by Radical Armenian Groups

    Press Release Regarding the Assault on the Participants of the Turkish Public Diplomacy Conference Held at the University of Southern California, ...

Transnational Cultural Heritage of the Silk Roads inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List Transnational Cultural Heritage of the Silk Roads inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List

  Transnational Cultural Heritage of the Silk Roads inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage Listhttps://t.co/WWKM0H88tK pic.twitter.com/Fqq3jBEfvF — MFA Ta...

Visiting the Embassy to congratulate on Independence Day Visiting the Embassy to congratulate on Independence Day

  Visiting the Embassy to congratulate on Independence Dayhttps://t.co/6J6kkSfs7D pic.twitter.com/547BxNrcwN — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) Septe...

The President receives Gary Peters, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs The President receives Gary Peters, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

    🇰🇿🇺🇸 The President receives @SenGaryPeters, Chairman of the U.S Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairshttps://t.co/Y3XDHm9...

Press release on the meetings of Minister Jeyhun Bayramov with the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Armenia within the framework of his working visit to Russia Press release on the meetings of Minister Jeyhun Bayramov with the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Armenia within the framework of his working visit to Russia

      Happening now: The meeting between the Foreign Minister of the Republic of #Azerbaijan @Bayramov_Jeyhun & the Foreign Minister of the Republ...

Press Release Regarding the Repeated Attacks on the Holy Quran in Denmark Press Release Regarding the Repeated Attacks on the Holy Quran in Denmark

  Press Release Regarding the Repeated Attacks on the Holy Quran in Denmark https://t.co/a9wwoDTtuZ pic.twitter.com/CpGAFbLflw — Turkish MFA (@MFATurk...