22:18 - «Единая Россия» вручила ветеранам Уфы юбилейные медали к 80-летию Великой Победы
18:16 - В Высокогорском районе Татарстана единороссы провели субботник у памятника защитникам Отечества
14:13 - Finlandiya Meteoroloji Enstitüsü Genel Müdürü ile görüşme
12:37 - Александр Козлов: Партпроект «Школа ЖКХ» расширит сотрудничество с ВАРМСУ в сфере ЖКХ
10:11 - Vladimir Yakushev: Birleşik Rusya ve VARMSU bir işbirliği anlaşması imzaladı
07:46 - Meeting with the Director General of the Finnish Meteorological Institute
06:09 - Владимир Якушев: «Единая Россия» и ВАРМСУ подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве
02:07 - Birleşik Rusya ve Rostelecom Zafer Diktesi için Hazırlık Kursunu Başlattı
Participation of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Summit of the Group of 77 and China in Cubahttps://t.co/jBMLbE3xhw pic.twitter.com/...
Meeting of Ambassador with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwaithttps://t.co/qSNGQ4UeWr pic.twitter.com/E0qS8OLACS — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_...
Meeting of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with the USAID Asia Bureau Deputy Assistant Administratorhttps://t.co/a1JvGDFCjj pic.twitter.com/TP3HaDu...
Political consultations between the ministries of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan and Palestinehttps://t.co/RnHcDfKkjA pic.twitter.com/T0xoB1MZeT — ...
Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the Acting Head of the OSCE Program Office in Dushanbehttps://t.co/yTCTmArovk pic.twitter.com/6z0GJj...
Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the US Senatorhttps://t.co/REE4pZjhu2 pic.twitter.com/9YACqvQOM8 — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikista...
🇰🇿🇺🇸 The President receives @SenGaryPeters, Chairman of the U.S Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairshttps://t.co/Y3XDHm9...
Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the Head of UNRCCAhttps://t.co/TPWD7RXO2V pic.twitter.com/X1Xgz01rpC — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikis...
Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the UNDCO Regional Director for Europe and Central Asiahttps://t.co/kRs0EFMIRS pic.twitter.com/f4G...
Meeting of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs with Ambassador of the Republic of Cubahttps://t.co/HmJUsxVhVZ pic.twitter.com/StVhtnkBXn — MFA Taji...