Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


22:40 - İçişleri Bakanlığı’nda Devlet Bakanı ile görüşme

22:40 - Meeting with the Minister of State at the Home Office

22:39 - В Амурской области при поддержке «Единой России» стартовал проект «Педагог с нашего двора»

22:39 - Bryansk’ta “Kentsel Çevre” parti projesinin desteğiyle Bryansk Cephesi askerlerine adanan askeri anıt güncellendi

22:10 - Halkın “Birleşik Rusya” programına ve ulusal “Demografi” projesine göre Primorsky Bölgesi Luchegorsk’ta modern bir kürek üssü inşa edildi

22:09 - Amur bölgesinde Birleşik Rusya’nın desteğiyle “Arka Bahçemizden Öğretmen” projesi başlatıldı

22:09 - В Брянске при поддержке партпроекта «Городская среда» обновили воинский мемориал, посвящённый воинам Брянского фронта

15:17 - Современную гребную базу построили в Лучегорске Приморского края по народной программе «Единой России» и нацпроекту «Демография»

13:45 - В Мурманской области «Единая Россия» организовала для школьников поездку к мемориалу «Долина Славы»

13:45 - Murmansk bölgesinde Birleşik Rusya, okul çocukları için Zafer Vadisi anıtına bir gezi düzenledi

President Erdoğan meets with President Biden of the U.S.

16 Kasım 2022 |
President Erdoğan meets with President Biden of the U.S.




President Erdoğan meets with President Biden of the U.S.




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President Erdoğan meets with President Biden of the U.S.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with President Joe Biden of the U.S. on the sidelines of the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Bali, Indonesia.


Bilateral relations, particularly trade and security issues, were discussed during the meeting.

U.S. President Biden offered condolences for those killed in the terrorist attack on Istanbul’s İstiklal Street.

During the meeting, which addressed regional developments as well, U.S. President Biden thanked President Erdoğan for his efforts that led to the resumption of the grain shipment following the resolution of the problem in the grain corridor between Russia and Ukraine.

Noting that the U.S. administration will continue to support the process regarding the F16s, U.S. President Biden described Türkiye as an important actor in Sweden’s NATO membership process.

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