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Guardian Girls Global Karate programme nominated for Peace and Sport Awards

13 Kasım 2022 |
Guardian Girls Global Karate programme nominated for Peace and Sport Awards





Guardian Girls Global Karate programme nominated for Peace and Sport Awards


Guardian Girls Global Karate programme nominated for Peace and Sport Awards
The “Guardian Girls Global Karate” programme has been nominated for the Peace and Sport awards.

The organisation Peace and Sport revealed on Thursday the list of candidates for its prestigious annual awards. The WKF and the Guardian Girls Global Karate programme are one of the three nominees for the recognition in the category of “Institution of the year”.

Launched by The World Karate Federation (WKF), the Koyamada International Foundation (KIF), and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) the Guardian Girls Global Karate programme aims at giving girls and young women tools to overcome situations of gender-based violence through the practice of Karate.

WKF President Antonio Espinós said:

“We are truly honoured to be nominated for the Peace and Sport Awards. The Guardian Girls Global Karate programme is one of the most significant and ambitious initiatives of the World Karate Federation, and we are grateful to have two phenomenal partners such as KIF and UNFPA in this journey.

“We truly believe that we can make a difference through Karate, and we are hoping that thousands of girls and women will be empowered by the Guardian Girls Global Karate programme. This nomination is the confirmation that we are on the right path.”

CLICK HERE to go to the full announcement of the Peace and Sport Awards.

Learn more about the Guardian Girls Global Karate programme by CLICKING HERE.

