Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


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Guardian Girls Global Karate Project to be unveiled in Los Angeles

10 Ekim 2022 |
Guardian Girls Global Karate Project to be unveiled in Los Angeles





Guardian Girls Global Karate Project to be unveiled in Los Angeles


Guardian Girls Global Karate Project to be unveiled in Los Angeles
The Guardian Girls Global Karate Project will be unveiled this weekend in Los Angeles (United States). The pilot event of this ground-breaking initiative will be held at the Terasaki Budokan of Los Angeles on October 8th.

Launched by the World Karate Federation (WKF), the Koyamada International Foundation (KIF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Guardian Girls Global Karate Project (“Guardian Girls Karate”) aims at empowering girls and young women to overcome situations of gender-based violence through Karate training.

The Guardian Girls Karate Seminar, a women’s Karate self-defence seminar, will kick off the pilot event on October 8th. Over 50 women of all ages have registered thus far to participate in the Women’s Karate Self-Defense seminar to learn tools to confront situations of gender-based violence. The activity is managed by Karate World champion and member of the WKF Athletes’ Commission Elisa Au. Head instructor of the seminar Elisa Au has vast experience in self-defence activities and will be assisted by Olympian and Pan American champion Sakura Kokumai.

As part of the Guardian Girls Karate, the program of activities for the day also has a session entitled “Women’s Mental Resilience” on Mental Health applied to sports with many VIP community leaders from the Los Angeles area participating. The session will be held at the Terasaki Budokan after the seminar.

Previously, on October 7th, the program will be officially presented at the residence of the Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles. The World Karate Federation (WKF), the Koyamada International Foundation (KIF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) will sign a partnership agreement to join forces to fight Gender Based Violence.

Learn More about Guardian Girls initiative HERE

Learn More about Guardian Girls Global Karate Project HERE

