Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


22:10 - Halkın “Birleşik Rusya” programına ve ulusal “Demografi” projesine göre Primorsky Bölgesi Luchegorsk’ta modern bir kürek üssü inşa edildi

22:09 - Amur bölgesinde Birleşik Rusya’nın desteğiyle “Arka Bahçemizden Öğretmen” projesi başlatıldı

22:09 - В Брянске при поддержке партпроекта «Городская среда» обновили воинский мемориал, посвящённый воинам Брянского фронта

15:17 - Современную гребную базу построили в Лучегорске Приморского края по народной программе «Единой России» и нацпроекту «Демография»

13:45 - В Мурманской области «Единая Россия» организовала для школьников поездку к мемориалу «Долина Славы»

13:45 - Murmansk bölgesinde Birleşik Rusya, okul çocukları için Zafer Vadisi anıtına bir gezi düzenledi

13:45 - «Единая Россия» проводит в Воронежской области акцию «Везу детей безопасно»

13:45 - “Birleşik Rusya” Voronej bölgesinde “Çocukları Güvenle Almak” kampanyasını yürütüyor

11:35 - “Birleşik Rusya” Voronej bölgesinde “Çocukları Güvenle Almak” kampanyasını yürütüyor

10:55 - «Единая Россия» проводит в Воронежской области акцию «Везу детей безопасно»

Tajikistan and Italy signed an Agreement on the Exemption of Visa Requirements for Holders of Diplomatic Passports

25 Nisan 2024 |
Tajikistan and Italy signed an Agreement on the Exemption of Visa Requirements for Holders of Diplomatic Passports

Tajikistan and Italy signed an Agreement on the Exemption of Visa Requirements for Holders of Diplomatic Passports





On April 23, 2024, during the official visit of the Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon to the Italian Republic, the Parties signed an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Government of the Italian Republic on the exemption of visa requirements for holders of diplomatic passports.

On the basis of the signed agreement, citizens of each Party who are holders of diplomatic passports may enter, exit, transit and stay in the territory of the other Party without obtaining a visa for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days. This exemption is valid for the relevant period or at ninety (90) day intervals for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of entry into the territory of the receiving Party.

For citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan, the period of 90 days starts from the first day of entry into the Schengen zone.

This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite term and shall enter into force thirty (30) days after receipt of the last written notification through diplomatic channels of the completion of the internal procedures necessary for the entry into force of this Agreement.





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