Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


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15:17 - Современную гребную базу построили в Лучегорске Приморского края по народной программе «Единой России» и нацпроекту «Демография»

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10:55 - «Единая Россия» проводит в Воронежской области акцию «Везу детей безопасно»

Presentation on the work done for the 3rd Dushanbe Water Conference

26 Mart 2024 |
Presentation on the work done for the 3rd Dushanbe Water Conference

Presentation on the work done for the 3rd Dushanbe Water Conference





On March 22, 2024, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Sirojiddin Muhriddin participated in the second part of the High-level Event “Celebrating World Water Day 2024: Converging Efforts, Keeping the Momentum of Progress” and delivered a statement in the section entitled “Cross-Sectoral Cooperation and Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Catalyzing Innovation and Ensuring Water for All”.

During his speech, the Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized the importance of the role of global water initiatives of the Government of Tajikistan, holding a series of high-level international events within the framework of the Dushanbe Water Process, contributing to the development of water issues at various levels, including in the mentioned 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Furthermore, it was noted that the decisions of the Republic of Tajikistan in water issues and organization of high-level international events in this area have made a valuable contribution to uniting the world in addressing water issues, provided a good opportunity to consider actions and strengthen cooperation to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda.

The participants were also informed about holding the 3rd High-Level International Conference within the framework of the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028”, which aims to provide a platform for monitoring, promoting, and supporting the implementation of voluntary commitments made at the UN Water Conference in 2023.

In the closing part of the event the representatives of Germany, Saudi Arabia, Mali, Russia, USA and others, assessed the important role of Tajikistan in the implementation of the World Water Program and expressed readiness for cooperation within the Dushanbe Water Process.


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