Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


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Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in a high-level event dedicated to World Water Day

24 Mart 2024 |
Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in a high-level event dedicated to World Water Day

Participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in a high-level event dedicated to World Water Day





On March 22, 2024, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mr. Sirojiddin Muhriddin, participated and addressed at the High-Level event “Celebrating World Water Day 2024: Joining Efforts, Maintaining the momentum of progress” held at the UN Headquarters in New York.

Minister S. Muhriddin in his speech, emphasized the importance of responding to the problems related to access to drinking water in the world, timely implementation of coordinated international measures, as well as the significance of collective cooperation in the field of water resources.

It was highlighted in particular that the implementation of the commitments made during the UN Water Conference-2023 requires joint efforts and collective cooperation of the international community, and in this regard, the use of innovations, establishment of comprehensive cooperation and partnership of the public and private sectors play an important role.

The Minister also invited the participants to take part in the 3rd High-Level International Conference dedicated to the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028” (June 10-13, 2024, Dushanbe).

This event was organized to consider a set of issues related to the water agenda, in particular, the implementation of voluntary commitments received during the UN Water Conference-2023, and the utilization of established international platforms in the field of water resources.


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