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Press release on the meeting between Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov and the heads of diplomatic missions of the European countries accredited in Azerbaijan

21 Ekim 2023 |
Press release on the meeting between Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov and the heads of diplomatic missions of the European countries accredited in Azerbaijan




No:605/23, Press release on the meeting between Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov and the heads of diplomatic missions of the European countries accredited in Azerbaijan



On October 20, 2023, Jeyhun Bayramov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan met with the heads of diplomatic missions of the European countries accredited in Azerbaijan.


During the meeting, the current state and prospects of affairs between Azerbaijan and the European states, regional situation after Azerbaijan’s recent counter-terrorism measures as well as the possible developments in the Azerbaijan-Armenia peace and normalization process were discussed.




Recalling Azerbaijan repeatedly raising the issue of the presence of illegal Armenian armed forces in its sovereign territories in different platforms since signing the November 10 Trilateral Declaration and it being the main source of threat against itself, Minister Jeyhun Bayramov noted the importance of the legitimate September 19-20 counter-terrorism measures of Azerbaijan for peace and stability in the region.




The announcement of the guarantee of the safety, linguistic, cultural rights of the Armenian residents living in the Garabagh region of Azerbaijan by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and start of the registration through reintegration portal to these ends were noted.




Minister has recalled that during almost 30 years of occupation, puppet regime didn’t allow any UN agencies to visit the area, however immediately after the conclusion of the counter-terrorism measures, Azerbaijan in coordination with the UN Office in Azerbaijan, has organized several UN missions in composition of which the representatives of Geneva and New-York Offices of the UN were included.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov emphasized that now, since the Azerbaijan’s and Armenia’s independence, the historical opportunity has emerged in the region.


Then, Minister Jeyhun Bayramov responded the questions of the audience.



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