Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


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President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev receives Olivier Becht, co-Chairman of the Kazakh-French Intergovernmental Commission

03 Mayıs 2023 |
President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev receives Olivier Becht, co-Chairman of the Kazakh-French Intergovernmental Commission






President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev receives Olivier Becht, co-Chairman of the Kazakh-French Intergovernmental Commission

, 2023

The Head of State received Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the co-Chairman of the Kazakh-French Intergovernmental Commission.

Welcoming the French diplomat, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev praised the level of Kazakh-French relations and expressed confidence that his first visit to our country would give a new impetus to the strategic partnership in all areas.

“You brought a special message from President Emmanuel Macron. Please convey to him my best regards and words of sincere respect. We look forward to seeing him here to pay a state visit at any time convenient for him. I think that this visit will give a real impetus to our visual partnership in so many areas. France is our major partner in Europe. We strongly believe that we have a lot of opportunities to exploring the future”, the Head of State said.


During the meeting, the sides discussed the implementation of the agreements reached during President Tokayev’s visit to France, focusing on trade, economic and investment.

The President expressed readiness to provide all the necessary conditions for a broad presence of French business in the Kazakh market, especially in petrochemical industry, green energy, aviation, manufacturing, transport and logistics.




In turn, Olivier Becht expressed his gratitude to the President for the hospitality and highlighted the dynamic development of cooperation between Kazakhstan and France.

“Your official visit to Paris in November was a great success and generate real political impetus for the bilateral relations. I know that our President attaches great importance to his excellent relations with you, whichever enable in-depth discussions on the most sensitive international issue. Therefore, he asked me to give the utmost in addition to develop our partnership. Your country is a reliable partner for France, and the only country in Central Asia with which we have a strategic partnership,” the Minister Delegate noted.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and Olivier Becht also exchanged views on topical issues on the international agenda.



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