Tarım ve Gıda Gazetesi


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World Azerbaijanis have issued a statement on the capture of Azerbaijani servicemen by Armenians

18 Nisan 2023 |
World Azerbaijanis have issued a statement on the capture of Azerbaijani servicemen by Armenians



World Azerbaijanis have issued a statement on the capture of Azerbaijani servicemen by Armenians

, 2023
World Azerbaijanis have issued a statement on the capture of Azerbaijani servicemen by Armenians

World Azerbaijanis have issued a statement on the capture of Azerbaijani servicemen by Armenians. The statement strongly condemns the capture of the soldiers of the Azerbaijani army – Babirov Agshin Gabil, born in 2004, and Akhundov Huseyn Ahliman, born in 2003 and torture and inhuman treatment towards them.




The World Azerbaijanis have stated that Armenia does not fulfill its obligations under the Geneva Convention, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, as well as other important international acts, and have demanded the relevant international organizations to investigate the fact of violence and give a proper legal evaluation.

The statement says:

“We, Azerbaijanis living abroad, regretfully inform that a few days ago, in the Shahbuz region of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan along the border with Armenia, the soldiers of the Azerbaijani army, who went missing due to limited visibility and bad weather conditions – Babirov Agshin Gabil, born in 2004, and Akhundov Huseyn Ahliman, born in 2003, were captured by Armenia.

Please note, that the photos and videos published by the mass media of Armenia are clearly evidence the fact of torturing and other inhuman actions in relation to a serviceman of Azerbaijan in violation of international legal documents. Thus, from the video it can be seen how an Azerbaijani serviceman is being beaten with his hands tied and is being insulted.

According to the 3rd Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, persons who do not take an active part in the hostilities, shall at all times be treated humanely and prisoners of war shall always be protected against acts of violence and intimidation. So, this fact is another evidence of Armenia’s breach of its obligations under the Geneva Convention, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and other important international acts, and widespread ethnic hatred and racial discrimination against Azerbaijanis in this country.





The relevant international organizations should investigate and properly evaluate the said violence, including the violence committed by Armenia against Azerbaijani prisoners of war and civilian prisoners, and 3,890 missing Azerbaijanis over the past 30 years.

As Azerbaijanis living abroad, we once again strongly condemn this crime and urge the international community to give a legal assessment to the actions of the Armenian government and crime perpetrators and ensure the immediate and unconditional release of Azerbaijani servicemen who got lost by passing to the Armenia-controlled area due to the adverse weather conditions

We demand that the Representation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Armenia urgently visit those servicemen and provide information about their condition.

We invite the world community to react to this fact and call Armenia to fulfill its obligations arising from international law”.

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